Week 13 Coastal Hazards

Week13 Coastal Hazards

This week I would like to discuss the Coastal Hazards in Taiwan.

Taiwan's long coastline and low-lying coastal regions raise serious concerns about sea levels and coastal issues. Taiwan's coastal issues and rising sea levels are primarily caused by land subsidence, climate change, and extreme weather. I'll talk about a few of the specific issues, their root causes, and potential solutions.

Sea Level Rise

Melting glaciers and ice sheets, thermal expansion of the ocean, land subsidence, and extreme weather events are all contributing to the problem of sea level rise in Taiwan's coastal areas. To address this problem, Taiwan has come up with adaptive solutions such as building seawalls and coastal levees, moving communities along the coast, and encouraging the use of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Coastal erosion

Removal of vegetation and natural barriers, as well as the construction of seawalls and other structures, are the main causes of this serious problem in Taiwan. Taiwan is addressing this problem by implementing projects such as beach nourishment, the construction of breakwaters to protect beaches, and the restoration of coastal vegetation.

Tainan's Golden Beach suffering from erosion - Taipei Times

Marine Pollution

Sewage, chemical pollution, and marine debris are the main causes of this serious coastal problem in Taiwan. Taiwan has taken steps to address this problem by improving wastewater treatment, enforcing laws regarding industrial effluents, and conducting regular beach cleanup campaigns.

Marine debris poisoning Taiwan's waters despite government pledge | Taiwan  News | 2021-05-07 14:40:00

Overall, Taiwan has a number of coastal and sea level issues, and the government has taken a number of actions to address these problems. To protect Taiwan's coastal zone and ensure sustainable development, it is imperative to keep monitoring the situation and putting effective measures in place.








  1. Hi Shoki! Thanks for the interesting post. I was surprised to see how many seawalls were along the coast of Taiwan. Some of the non-engineered methods of protection that I saw suggested were delimiting the setback line of 50 m on the landward side of the 50 year return period storm surge, construction of hazard maps, sand budget control needed due to increased urbanization and damming of rivers, building renovations, including foundations on stilts, temporary polder dykes, waterproof gates as well as community education and preparedness against hazards.
    I thought the sand budget control was very interesting as my country, Peru, has thought about adding sand dunes in some areas to help prevent shoreline erosion. I think Taiwan is being very proactive in addressing coastal vulnerability.

  2. Hey Shoki,
    Thank you for taking such time and effort to make such a great post this week! I really enjoyed the way you broke up the sections in a way to make it a lot easier for me to process. Hopefully, Taiwan's government can take action to address these problems as it is such a beautiful place. Great post!

  3. Hi Shoki,
    Thanks for sharing about the coastal hazards in Taiwan. It's encouraging to see that the government has implemented adaptive solutions to address the issues of sea level rise, coastal erosion, and marine pollution. However, as you mentioned, it's important to continue monitoring the situation and implementing effective measures to ensure sustainable development. It's crucial that we all work together to protect our coastlines and reduce our impact on the environment.

  4. Hey Shoki,
    I really appreciate you sharing this information with us on Taiwan and their struggles with coastal erosion. It was interesting to see that Taiwan is also being affected by the sea level rise, this made me realize that yes the rest of the world will also be affected by these events just the same way as everyone else, coastline receding and sea level rising. Thank you for sharing about Taiwan and how they handle their coastline erosion difficulties.


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